Thermal Power engineering
for many industry sectors
- Automotive industry
- Banks & insurance companies
- Chemical / plastic / metal industry
- Electronic and semiconductor industry
- Energy supply
- Health and wellness
- Glass and ceramic industry
- Timber industry
- Food industry and trade
- Pulp and paper industry
- Pharmaceutical industry
- Sport and event centres
- Packaging industry
- Etc.
our clients
in many successfully completed projects
Pulp and paper industry
experience for many years
In the pulp and paper industry we have gained deep special knowledge and have been working for the following clients world-wide for many years:
- Mayr-Melnhof-Holz
- RONDO Ganahl
- Smurfit Kappa
- Zellstoff Pöls

Automotive industry
Globally acting groups
We are working in the automotive industry for globally acting groups not only in Graz and in all areas of media supply.

Since March 2016 we are working for Magna in the field of consulting and engineering in the field of HVAC services and power engineering.

clients in all sectors
EXtract from our Customer list
Unfortunately we are not allowed to list all our clients here due to legal restrictions (GDPR):
- Agrana
- ams AG
- Casinos Austria AG
- Energie Steiermark
- Kastner & Öhler Warenhaus AG
- Kröswang GmbH
- Landeskrankenhaus Klagenfurt
- Stadtwerke München GmbH
- Steiermärkische Bank und Sparkassen AG
- Steirerfleisch GmbH
- VERBUND-Austrian Hydro Power AG
- voestalpine BÖHLER Edelstahl GmbH & Co KG
- Wien Energie
- ...