TherMal POWeR Engineering
in alL fields
Since its foundation in 1991 ENERTEC has been providing consulting services in all fields of thermal power engineering. Therefore, we can profit from long experience in this area and can already support our clients in the phase of preparing a project through well-directed guidance and analysis.
Based on the results of extensive problem analysis we create future-oriented solutions which contribute to the technical and economic benefit of our clients. Here, we especially consider the technical feasibility. This sets us apart from the vast field of energy consultants. Through the good cooperation between the different working areas synergies for the benefit of our client are created.
In the wide area of consulting in which ENERTEC is operating, the areas system analysis, creation of concepts, expert’s reports and measurements as well as energy audits have to be specially emphasised.
Completed is the range in the field of consulting through public authorities engineering, coping with subsidies, compiling of CO2 certifications and consulting in the field of energy purchase.
our services
- Evaluation of the existing situation
- Measurements
- System analysis
- Failure analysis
- Expert's reports
- Calculations, simulations
- Process optimisation
- System variants / proposals for modification measures
- Commissioning
- Energy balances, energy flow charts
- Economic feasibility
- Energy audits according to Austrian Energy Efficiency Law (EEffG)
Our services
for our clients
System Analysis
System analysis and based on it a substantiated concept creation provides in most cases a basis for successful planning and implementation of projects. Especially when doing modification or extension measures special attention has to be paid that the existing (energy) system is clearly analysed so that the planned extensions can be integrated with the lowest effort possible.
Compilation of COncepts
When the concept is created all possibilities for closing cycles, using waste heat, improving rates of efficiency and using of new technologies are examined and are evaluated in the following evaluation process according to technical, economic and ecological points of view in order to find the best solution possible for every special case.
Especially for substantiated and significant system analysis, which reflects the current state, measurements are an extremely effective measure to analyse states of energy systems and to find attractive solutions.
ENERTEC has all preconditions to make measurements in fields of heating, air conditioning and ventilation as well as general power engineering. Modern mobile measurement systems allow measurements on site. Here, longer measurement cycles reaching to year-long measurements are possible.
Measured variables are: temperature / humidity / pressure / pressure difference / volume flow / flow rate / current / voltage / power / cos phi / light intensity / comfort
Expert Report
Another task in the field of consulting is personal and legally instructed expert reports. Despite of careful planning, execution and operation it happens that plants stop or do not or only partially fulfil contractually guaranteed performances. For the plant operator this does not only mean financial losing (production downtimes) but also annoyance with curing the damage. Accusations can often not be made clearly. In many cases there only remains the long, expensive and uncertain procedure at court.
A fast and cost effective method to find a solution is a personal expert report which includes – starting with a fact finding and possibly required measurements – a detailed failure and damage analysis and if necessary suitable reconstruction measures. Also mediation may be offered.
On top, in our company several state-certified, publicly appointed and sworn experts are available.
EnergY Audits
According to the "Federal Act on the Improvement of Energy Efficiency in Households, Companies and the Federal Government as well as Energy Consumption Recording and Monitoring (Federal Energy Efficiency Act - EEffG)" (StF: Federal Law Gazette I No. 72/2014), large companies are obliged (§42 EEffG) to:
1) carry out an external energy audit at least every four years
2) set up a recognized management system (energy management system or environmental management system certified by an accredited body and based on recognized, relevant, European, international standards).
Small and medium-sized enterprises can make use of energy services and report the findings from them, in particular on energy consumption and savings potential, to E-Control (§41 EEffG) or have them reported.
Our team of auditors is certified according to §44 EEffG and will be pleased to support you:
- DI Vera Aichinger (processes, buildings)
- Dr. Thomas Ebner (processes, buildings, transport)
- DI Günther Kindermann (processes, buildings)
- Dr. Helmut Lawatsch (processes, buildings)
- DI Eugen Naftz (processes, buildings, transport)
- DI Angelika Swatek (processes, buildings)
Our scope of services for you:
- Performance of energy audits EEffG and ÖNORM EN 16247-1
- Support within the scope of internal energy audits
- Accompaniment and support during the introduction of energy management systems
If required, we can handle these services in cooperation with d&e Consulting GmbH respectively EY denkstatt GmbH.
We are also happy to provide energy consulting services for small and medium-sized companies. Supporting and accompanying energy suppliers in the field of energy efficiency is also part of our service. The measurements required for energy audits can be carried out by our measurement technicians.
As a planning office, we also support you in the implementation of measures proposed in the context of energy audits or energy consulting. On request, you can receive the entire package from one source, from the execution of the energy audit to the implemented measures.